

根据德州教育法的规定, Hardin-Simmons大学 has disseminated these regulations to the operation and parking of vehicles on the grounds, 街道, 驱动器, 小巷, 以及中文博彩平台的其他机构财产. These regulations are to ensure the safety of all persons who use the campus and provide for optimum use of limited parking facilities. The regulations apply on all parts of the campus throughout the day and night and are supplementary to all existing federal, 状态, 以及与我们大学有关的城市法律.



  • HSU ID#:(HSU承包商使用公司名称.)
  • 驾照
  • 车辆信息
  • 当前车辆保险资料






有关停车贴的问题,电邮: hsupolice@jieyangw.com

所有的学生, 教师, and staff must comply with the regulations governing motor vehicles and bicycles set forth by the University. Such an agreement is implied by the actual operation of a vehicle on the Hardin-Simmons大学 property. 而大学将尽一切努力保护车辆在其财产, the University (nor its officers or employees) cannot assume any responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its content.



所有机动车辆, 任何大学员工在学校经营或停放的摩托车, 合同工(ABM或爱玛客), or currently enrolled 学生 must be registered with the HSU Police Department and must properly display a valid permit on said vehicle.


University employees and 学生s will be allowed a grace period of five business days in which to register their vehicle beginning with the first day of class of each semester (Fall, 春天, 夏天,我, 夏天(二). 任何在第五天后发出的传票将不会被解雇.


任何在校园内行驶的机动车辆必须出示有效的许可证. 是否需要学生或雇员操作替代设备, 租借, or leased vehicle on campus a temporary permit (free of charge) must be obtained for said vehicle within 24 hours. A first citation issued to any unregistered vehicle defined herein will be dismissed and considered a warning citation. Any subsequent citation issued to the same vehicle 24 hours or more after the first citation will not be subject to dismissal.


访客被定义为未注册的人, 作为教员与HSU没有任何关系, 政府, 学生, 或员工. 学生配偶不被视为访客.

使用学生登记车辆的客人, staff or 教师 member are subject to the same parking limitations as the registrant and must park according to the decal. ACU, McMurry, 帕蒂·汉克斯护理学院, 阿比林高中, 库珀高中, 思科初级学院的学生在上课时不被视为访客.

Attention: Student dependents of current HSU 教师 and staff are not authorized to use 教师/staff parking spaces while attending class or while working at HSU. If a 学生 is using his or her parent’s vehicle that has been issued a 教师/staff permit, 他或她必须在他或她的指定区域停车(通勤或居民停车场).


  • 学生、教师和工作人员的贴花必须贴在车辆的外面 后窗,左下方. (敞篷车的许可证可以贴在前挡风玻璃上, 驾驶座, 以上国家注册.)
  • 停车贴必须在收到后24小时内展示.
  • 万一被引用, 与停车贴相对应的学生将被收费, 即使是其他人在开车.
  • 所有停车贴都有编号. 居民或通勤者在停车贴上注明.
  • 星期一至星期五, 上午7:30至下午5:30, 住宿学生需要将车停在合适的宿舍 & UP公寓停车场和露天停车场. 停车场地图上标明了露天停车场. These parking lots are also defined with signs designating the decals allowed in those parking lots.
  • “露天停车场”设有额外停车位. 其中包括Sandefer Fieldhouse停车场, 牛仔乐队大厅, 校内的领域, 西蒙斯街停车场, & 斯基尔斯停车场.
  • 学生可以使用开放式停车场, 教师, 周末工作,工作日下午5点半以后到早上7点半. 红区禁止停车, 障碍, 总统, 副总统, 迪安, 宿舍主任, 或预留或租用空间.
  • 住在校外的学生(通勤者)可在任何标有“通勤者”的停车位停车。, “com/vis”, 有迹象表明, 或者上面列出的任何一个露天停车场.
  • 辅助贴花:研究生, 来自各大学, 会收到通勤者贴花,并会遵守通勤者停车规则. 访问ing Professors that teach a class at HSU will receive a Commuter hanger and will be required to park in commuter parking during business hours.
  • Motorcycles must be registered and may park in commuter spaces and spaces marked “Motorcycle”.
  • 来自麦克默里的注册标志, ACU, 阿比林高中和库珀高中, HSU和Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing在所有学校都获得了荣誉. 每个校区的停车规定各不相同. Students are therefore advised to check with campus police to clarify issues regarding parking & 各校区车辆管理规定.


  • 交通和停车规定每周7天,每天24小时执行. 所有权或注册贴花并不能保证有停车位, 没有停车位也不能成为违反任何规定的理由.
  • Each University Police Officer and Safety Officer has the authority to use citations for violations, 必要时指挥交通, and to place special regulatory signs and barriers in required locations for emergency situations or special events. 其他大学人员也可能被指定执行交通和停车规则.
  • 禁止在学校内清洗或修理私人汽车.
  • The University reserves the right to inspect the contents of any vehicle situated on University property at any time.


  • 所有大学的限速是每小时15英里.
  • 必须遵守所有交通管制标志和设备.
  • 使用无线设备(如.g.在校园道路上驾驶机动车辆时,禁止使用手机.


该大学全天24小时执行所有城市和州法规. 这些地区没有停车区, 限制停车场, 或者预留的停车场被漆成黄色, 一般停车是不允许的.

例外: 一般标记为学院的区域, 工作人员, 游客, 通勤/访客, 及宿舍停车场, 任何持有有效贴花的人都可以在下午5:30的非营业时间使用吗.m. 早上7:30.m. 周一到周五以及周末的任何时间.

  • 如果没有提供角度停车, 车辆必须在街道或道路的右侧平行停放.
  • 如果车辆平行停放,它就不能面对交通. 右侧车轮必须靠近右侧路缘.
  • 停放在有角度、成行或平行停车位的车辆必须停在线内.
  • 残疾人停车场是为国家颁发的残疾人专用停车位, 县, 或者联邦当局的残疾人停车许可证. 这些许可证必须在车辆上适当地展示, 任何其他车辆出于任何原因使用这些空间都是被明确禁止的. Those who may qualify for temporary 障碍ped space may contact the Chief of Police or designee for consideration.

注意:联邦A.D.A. laws require all private property owners and authorities to impose zero-tolerance regarding 障碍ped parking spaces and fire zones. 任何借口都不会被接受, and citations issued in these spaces are Justice of the Peace traffic citations and not subject to dismissal.  治安法官的交通罚单必须在县市政法院提出.

除了本节解释的规定之外, 校园警察可能会要求持有国家颁发的残疾人许可证, 县, or federal agencies report to campus police to furnish verification that such permit was issued to the operator of the vehicle.  根据德州法规, the individual to whom the Handicap Placard was issued MUST be in the vehicle when it is being parked for the placard to be used for parking in restricted/designated areas.

如果许可证发给了其他人(母亲、祖父母等).) then the holder must understand that using a 障碍ped space is not authorized unless such person is an occupant in the vehicle.


收费和罚款的清单在发出的传票的背面. Fines may be paid online in your HSU Central account or in person at the HSU Cashier’s Office in the Sandefer Building (Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.(不包括大学假期).

学生对其车辆的任何罚单负责. Fines not paid by the violator (or a request for an appeal filed) within TEN (10) working/business days of the date of issuance of the citation shall automatically be charged to the registered 学生’s account, 或者在未注册车辆的情况下, the operator or registered owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for the violation and all fines that may be charged for the violation.

除了对交通和停车违规行为的传票和罚款制度, the following conditions could result in a vehicle being towed off campus at the owner’s expense:

  • 一学期或一暑假被引用四次或四次以上.
  • 阻塞残疾人专用空间、消防通道、道路、小巷、建筑物出口或入口.
  • 在指定的拖车区内停车.
  • 由于纪律处分,由有关当局禁止车辆进入校园.



上诉必须是 通过电子邮件提交 向警务处(hsupolice@jieyangw.com)在收到机票后的十(十个)个工作日内. 书面上诉必须明确说明有理由予以考虑的理由.

  • 一般 dissatisfaction with the policy or an appeal for mercy is not an appropriate basis for an appeal.
  • 不同意有效的停车规则, 上课迟到, 恶劣的天气, 找不到停车位, 或只是在短时间内违规停车,都不是上诉的理由.

上诉 will be reviewed by the HSUPD Chief or their designee who will make a ruling on the appeal based on the information available. 如果违规行为在上诉中被推翻,传票将无效. 上诉被主任或其指定人员拒绝的个人, 可向教务处提出进一步上诉. 上诉的结果将通过以下一种或多种方式发送:校园邮件,美国大学和美国大学.S. 邮件或电子邮件.

如果上诉维持原判, 违规者将被要求缴纳适当的罚款.

电邮至 hsupolice@jieyangw.com  如有疑问或索取更多有关交通及停车政策的资料.

城市/ JP引文

Municipal or Justice of the Peace Citations issued will have the directions regarding appeals on those respective citations.